A backreference allows a previously matched subexpression to be identified subsequently in the same regular expression. The following table lists the backreference constructs supported by regular expressions in .NET. For more information, see Backreference Constructs.
You can specify options that control how the regular expression engine interprets a regular expression pattern. Many of these options can be specified either inline (in the regular expression pattern) or as one or more RegexOptions constants. This quick reference lists only inline options. For more information about inline and RegexOptions options, see the article Regular Expression Options.
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In case of multiple files where you define a global variable or function, also to be used in other files, extern will provide a reference in another file of defined variable or function. You must use the extern modifier when you have to share the same global variables or functions between two or more files.
In this C++ reference, we have covered almost every C++ aspect that any beginner needs to understand when starting their career or preparing for an upcoming interview. This C++ cheat sheet for beginners is an excellent resource that you can go through while developing applications or before appearing for an interview. 2ff7e9595c